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Global Proclamation Congress: We’ve Got to do Something.

Jul 13, 2016

We recently had the opportunity to attend the Global Proclamation Congress for Pastoral Trainers, where we worshiped, learned, and set goals next to thousands of believers with the same passion:

“To accelerate the training of pastors worldwide for the sake of church health and societal health globally.”


Dr. Ramesh Richard explained four great realities that drive us to action:

  1. The world population has reached 7.4 billion people, and our efforts to reach them must accelerate along with population growth
  2. Each day, 50,000 new believers are baptized, creating a need for 1,000 more trained pastors to shepherd them well
  3. In the next four years, 5 million new faith communities will be planted, yet at the current rate, up to 70 percent of them will fail in the first year
  4. While at least 2.2 million pastoral leaders are functioning as shepherds, only 5 percent of them are trained for pastoral ministry

We are grateful for everyone who was a part of GProCongress, and we can’t wait to use what we learned to reach even more people. Will you help us?

Amy Lee
Author: Amy Lee

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