We seek to teach the nations to observe the Word in accordance with the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18).
With our 27+ global faculty members, the content was developed to be transformative in different cultural settings.
Our content is built to be fully relevant and applicable so that the student cannot help but have their life changed.
Bible Study
Business & Finance
Christian Living
Community Building
Bible Survey
Church Development
Spiritual Disciplines
Bible Doctrine
We are celebrating the planting of 1 Teach Every Nation (TEN) Centre, mostly in local churches, for every 50,000 people in Zimbabwe—a major milestone in our mission to disciple the nation, following the command in Matthew 28. In some provinces, the leadership and potential exist to establish a center for every 5,000 people!
May the Lord be glorified through the abundant fruit of our ambassadors and deans as they continue to expand this vital work.
For more information on TEN click here
Bruce Wilkinson founded Teach Every Nation (TEN) in 2013 as the culmination of four decades of 'best practices' learned from his teaching, training, and international leadership and ministry. TEN exists to grow Christianity in every nation as quickly and as effectively as possible. We train others by using technology to deliver courses at thousands of TEN sites and providing in-person teaching on the TEN Campus.
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