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Spreading Roots: Ethiopian Diaspora a blessing to the Nations!

Jul 8, 2024

Bishop Adane established the Gospel Believers Church to serve the Ethiopian diaspora in South Africa. From these humble beginnings, the church has flourished, planting approximately 90 churches across 24 African countries and creating 22 Bible Schools to train both current and future pastors.

What an incredible journey of growth and impact!

Sixteen prominent leaders and pastors from the Church participated in Dean’s Training at the Teach Every Nation (TEN) Campus. They intend to integrate the Bible School on Wheels into their curriculum for student pastors. A pastor from Zambia shares his thoughts on their training at the TEN Campus:

“We believe once we are equipped with this knowledge we will not just sit. We will go and implement it. I believe a lot of people will be reached and the Kingdom of God will be glorified.”

For more information on the material available from TEN click here.

Kyla Brits
Author: Kyla Brits

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