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The Bible May Not Be Translated in all the Global Languages by 2025

Aug 30, 2017

According to Bible translators, the Bible has not and will not be translated to all of the global languages by 2025. Taking that into account, it’s no wonder that there are so many untrained pastors lacking resources in their native language.

The vast majority of 2 billion Christians worldwide are now located in Africa, Asia, and South and Central America. This astonishing growth means there’s an immediate need for Biblical training to equip pastors and leaders in those regions.

That’s where TEN comes in.

Since its founding in 2013, TEN has delivered training courses to 25,000 pastors and leaders in 27 countries at remote TEN sites and has provided in-depth, “live” training at the TEN Campus in South Africa for more than 2,000 pastors and leaders. As one of the thousands of pastors TEN has trained recently shared about training church and community leaders across his country of the Democratic Republic of the Congo:

“Hello. We praise God for what He is doing among us. The TEN training with 15 key leaders of my congregation is currently going on. (Then for three days) I’ll train more than 50 leaders from different churches of my town. In September I’ll go to another city called Uvira. I expect to train there about 80 leaders in three days. I need your prayer for that. Blessings, Olivier S.”

Will you help us reach even more people like Olivier who are triggering a discipleship domino effect?

Author: jerri

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