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4 Ways to Keep Your Small Group Going This Summer

Jun 14, 2017

Summer can be a tough time to keep your small group alive. As soon as school is out it seems as though we’re all busier than we were during the school year. Everyone vacations at different times and just has a lot going on.

Many small groups decide to take a break for the summer because it is so difficult to get everyone together. Don’t assume everyone is simply too busy, and use the tips below to stay connected, no matter what.

4 ways to keep your small group connected:

  1. Host activities, such as a BBQ. This is a great way to stay connected, but also have fun throughout the summer. You can also involve kids here.
  2. Change your schedule around. If you were meeting every week, consider moving to every other week. This keeps you connected, but gives you a small break and allows for those vacations. You may also want to switch which night of the week you meet.
  3. Try a new study. Switch up your normal routine and find a great summer study (such as Escape the Ordinary).
  4. Find a local mission that everyone can be involved with. Whether it’s traveling somewhere every few Saturdays or an activity you can do at your house, find something you can all do together to serve the local community.

Our hope is that you’ll continue to meet with your small group and stay connected this summer. We know how important it is to be surrounded by a community of people that care. We were created to be in community.

Amy Lee
Author: Amy Lee

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